Li, P.; Oinn,
T.; Soiland, S. & Kell, D. B.Automated
manipulation of systems biology models using libSBML within Taverna
workflowsBioinformatics 24(2), 287--289
Li, P.;
Castrillo, J.; Velarde, G.; Wassink, I.; Soiland-Reyes, S.; Owen, S.;
Withers, D.; Oinn, T.; Pocock, M.; Goble, C.; Oliver, S. & Kell, D.
Performing statistical analyses on
quantitative data in Taverna workflows: an example using R and
maxdBrowse to identify differentially-expressed genes from microarray
dataBMC Bioinformatics 9 (334)
A. & Oinn, T.The Taverna Interaction
Service: enabling manual interaction in workflowsBioinformatics
24(8), 1118--1120
Turi, D.;
Missier, P.; Goble, C.; De Roure, D. & Oinn, T.Taverna Workflows: Syntax and Semanticsin 'Proc. IEEE International Conference on
e-Science and Grid Computing', pp. 441--448
Oinn, T.; Li,
P.; Kell, D. B.; Goble, C.; Goderis, A.; Greenwood, M.; Hull, D.;
Stevens, R.; Turi, D. & Zhao, J.Taverna/myGrid:
Aligning a Workflow System with the Life Sciences Communityin I Taylor; E Deelman; D Gannon & M
Shields, ed.,'Workflows for e-Science', Springer-Verlag
Goble, C.;
Wolstencroft, K.; Goderis, A.; Hull, D.; Zhao, J.; Alper, P.; Lord, P.;
Wroe, C.; Belhajjame, K.; Turi, D.; Stevens, R.; Oinn, T. & DeRoure,
D.Semantic Web - Revolutionizing
Knowledge Discovery in the Life SciencesSpringer
US, chapter Knowledge Discovery for Biology with Taverna, pp. 355-395
A.; Gamble, M.; Wolstencroft, K.; Oinn, T. & Goble, C.The Data Playground: An Intuitive Workflow
Specification Environmentin 'Proc. IEEE
International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing', pp. 59--68Awarded best paper prize at the 3rd
IEEE International Converence on e-Science and Grid Computing, December
10-13, 2007, Bangalore, India
Hull, D.;
Wolstencroft, K.; Stevens, R.; Goble, C.; Pocock, M. R.; Li, P. &
Oinn, T.Taverna: a tool for building and
running workflows of servicesNucleic Acids
Res 34 (Web Server issue), W729--W732
S.; Alzari, P.; Andreini, C.; Banci, L.; Berry, I. M.; Bertini, I.;
Cambillau, C.; Canard, B.; Carter, L.; Cohen, S. X.; Diprose, J. M.;
Dym, O.; Esnouf, R. M.; Felder, C.; Ferron, F.; Guillemot, F.; Hamer,
R.; Jelloul, M. B.; Laskowski, R. A.; Laurent, T.; Longhi, S.; Lopez,
R.; Luchinat, C.; Malet, H.; Mochel, T.; Morris, R. J.; Moulinier, L.;
Oinn, T.; Pajon, A.; Peleg, Y.; Perrakis, A.; Poch, O.; Prilusky, J.;
Rachedi, A.; Ripp, R.; Rosato, A.; Silman, I.; Stuart, D. I.; Sussman,
J. L.; Thierry, J. C.; Thompson, J. D.; Thornton, J. M.; Unger, T.;
Vaughan, B.; Vranken, W.; Watson, J. D.; Whamond, G. & Henrick, K.SPINE bioinformatics and data-management
aspects of high-throughput structural biology.Acta
Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr 62(Pt 10), 1184--1195
K.; Oinn, T.; Goble, C.; Ferris, J.; Wroe, C.; Lord, P.; Glover, K.
& Stevens, R.Panoply of utilities in
Taverna in 'Proc. First International
Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing', pp. 7 pp.--
Oinn, T.;
Greenwood, M.; Addis, M.; Alpdemir, M. N.; Ferris, J.; Glover, K.;
Goble, C.; Goderis, A.; Hull, D.; Marvin, D.; Li, P.; Lord, P.; Pocock,
M. R.; Senger, M.; Stevens, R.; Wipat, A. & Wroe, C.Taverna: Lessons in creating a workflow
environment for the life sciencesConcurrency
and Computation: Practice and Experience Grid Workflow 18(10), 1067 -
Lanzén, A.;
Grindhaug, S.; Oinn, T. & Puntervoll, P.An
Automatic Genome Annotation PipelineNETTAB2005:
N.; Mukherjee, A.; Paton, N.; Fernandes, A.; Watson, P.; Glover, K.;
Greenhalgh, C.; Oinn, T. & Tipney, H.Advances
in Grid Computing - EGC 2005Springer Berlin
/ Heidelberg, chapter Contextualised Workflow Execution in MyGrid, pp.
Stevens, R. D.;
Tipney, H. J.; Wroe, C. J.; Oinn, T. M.; Senger, M.; Lord, P. W.; Goble,
C. A.; Brass, A. & Tassabehji, M.Exploring
Williams-Beuren syndrome using myGridBioinformatics
20(suppl_1), i303-310
Stevens, R.;
Tipney, H.; Wroe, C.; Oinn, T.; Senger, M.; Lord, P.; Goble, C.; Brass,
A. & Tassabehji, M.Genome Science
performed with e-Science Tools in
'Proceedings UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2004'
Oinn, T.;
Greenwood, M. & Goble, C.Delivering
web service coordination capability to users
in 'Proceedings of the 13th international World Wide Web conference on
Alternate track papers & posters'
Oinn, T.; Addis,
M.; Ferris, J.; Marvin, D.; Senger, M.; Greenwood, M.; Carver, T.;
Glover, K.; Pocock, M. R.; Wipat, A. & Li, P.Taverna:
a tool for the composition and enactment of bioinformatics workflowsBioinformatics 20(17), 3045-3054
Li, P.;
Hayward, K.; Jennings, C.; Owen, K.; Oinn, T.; Stevens, R.; Pearce, S.
& Wipat, A.Association of variations
on i kappa b-epsilon with graves' disease using classical and mygrid
methodologiesin 'Proc UK e-Science
programme All Hands Conference'
Stevens, R.;
Lord, P.; Oinn, T. & Li, P.Performing
in silico experiments on the Grid using myGridISMB:
Senger, M.;
Rice, P. & Oinn, T.Soaplab - a
unified Sesame door to analysis toolsin
'Proc UK e-Science programme All Hands Conference'
Oinn, T. M.Talisman - rapid application development for
the gridBioinformatics 19(suppl_1),
Moreau, L.;
Miles, S.; Goble, C.; Greenwood, M.; Dialani, V.; Addis, M.; Alpdemir,
N.; Cawley, R.; De Roure, D.; Ferris, J.; Gaizauskas, R.; Glover, K.;
Greenhalgh, C.; Li, P.; Liu, X.; Lord, P.; Luck, M.; Marvin, D.; Oinn,
T.; Paton, N.; Pettifer, S.; Radenkovic, M.; Roberts, A.; Robinson, A.;
Rodden, T.; Senger, M.; Sharman, N.; Stevens, R.; Warboys, B.; Wipat, A.
& Wroe, C.On the use of agents in a
BioInformatics gridin 'Proc. 3rd IEEE/ACM
International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid CCGrid 2003',
pp. 653--660
Greenwood, M.;
Goble, C.; Stevens, R.; Zhao, J.; Addis, M.; Marvin, D.; Moreau, L.
& Oinn, T.Provenance of e-Science
Experiments - experience from Bioinformaticsin
'Proc UK e-Science programme All Hands Conference'
Camon, E.;
Magrane, M.; Barrell, D.; Binns, D.; Fleischmann, W.; Kersey, P.;
Mulder, N.; Oinn, T.; Maslen, J.; Cox, A. & Apweiler, R.The Gene Ontology Annotation (GOA) Project:
Implementation of GO in SWISS-PROT, TrEMBL, and InterProGenome Res. 13(4), 662-672
M.; Ferris, J.; Greenwood, M.; Li, P.; Marvin, D.; Oinn, T. & Wipat,
A.Experiences with e-Science workflow
specification and enactment in bioinformaticsin
'Proc UK e-Science programme All Hands Conference'
Moreau, L.;
Miles, S.; Goble, C.; Greenwood, M.; Dialani, V.; Addis, M.; Alpdemir,
N.; Cawley, R.; Roure, D. D.; Ferris, J.; Gaizauskas, R.; Glover, K.;
Greenhalgh, C.; Greenwood, M.; Li, P.; Liu, X.; Lord, P.; Luck, M.;
Marvin, D.; Oinn, T.; Paton, N.; Pettifer, S.; Radenkovic, M. V.;
Roberts, A.; Robinson, A.; Rodden, T.; Senger, M.; Sharman, N.; Stevens,
R.; Warboys, B.; Watson, P. & Wroe, C.On
the Use of Agents in a BioInformatics Gridin
'In Network Tools and Applications in Biology (NETTAB'2002) - Agents in
A.; Apweiler, R.; Biswas, M.; Fleischmann, W.; Karavidopoulou, Y.;
Kersey, P.; Kriventseva, E. V.; Mittard, V.; Mulder, N.; Oinn, T.; Phan,
I.; Servant, F. & Zdobnov, E.Interactive
InterPro-based comparisons of proteins in whole genomesBioinformatics 18(2), 374-375
R.; Attwood, T. K.; Bairoch, A.; Bateman, A.; Birney, E.; Biswas, M.;
Bucher, P.; Cerutti, L.; Corpet, F.; Croning, M. D. R.; Durbin, R.;
Falquet, L.; Fleischmann, W.; Gouzy, J.; Hermjakob, H.; Hulo, N.;
Jonassen, I.; Kahn, D.; Kanapin, A.; Karavidopoulou, Y.; Lopez, R.;
Marx, B.; Mulder, N. J.; Oinn, T. M.; Pagni, M.; Servant, F.; Sigrist,
C. J. A. & Zdobnov, E. M.The InterPro
database, an integrated documentation resource for protein families,
domains and functional sitesNucl. Acids
Res. 29(1), 37-40